Everything You Need To Know About Cancer


Cancer is one of the most common diseases that is hurting humans’ kinds and costing a life. In this informative article, we will look into cancer, types of cancer, risk factor, prevention, and treatment of cancer. Cancer is a disease in which few body cells grow unconditionally and spread into all parts of the body. Cancer cells can be found in any part of the human body. The human body is composed of trillions of cells and any cell can become a cancer cell with a simple mutation in genetic sequence. Almost all cells in the human body grow and multiply but several factors including age, food, and carcinogenic compound, exposure can cause the unconditional multiplication of cells.

These cancerous cells can form a tumor, which is a lump of tissue (benign). Moreover, if can perform metastasis then it can be a malignant tumor. Most cancers is solid however there are exceptions like blood cancer (leukemias).

Types of cancer-based on the body part

  • Bladder cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Cervical cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Gynecologic cancer
  • Head and neck cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Lymphoma
  • Myeloma
  • Mesothelioma
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Skin cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Uterine cancer
  • Vaginal and Vulvar cancer

How to prevent cancer and find cancer in the early stage

You can lower the chances of getting cancer with the help of healthy choices from early childhood. Although cancer is difficult to identify at an early age it can be possible with a good understanding of human physiology and a better understanding of the body.

  • Screening test

Regular screening test is helpful for the detection of many cancer such as breast, cervical, and colon cancer in the early stages,  when it can be treated and controlled with treatment and medication. Lung cancer screening is also common for individuals with higher risk and chances.

  • Vaccine shots

Vaccines can individuals lower the risk of getting diseases including cancer. HPV also known as the Human Papillomavirus vaccine can prevent cervical cancer and the Hepatitis B vaccine can lower the risk of liver or hepatic cancer in the person.

  • Healthy choice

The best way to prevent any disease is to opt for healthier options. Healthy eating and a good understanding of physiology are essential for a better lifestyle. It is recommended to avoid tobacco, weigh again, drink alcohol, and use skin protectors.

Risk factors in cancer

There are multiple factors responsible for the development of cancer. Few can be optimized with few modifications in the lifestyle however some can not be controlled by humans. Some factors that can cause cancer are mentioned below.

  • Alcohol

Alcohol consumption is directly linked with cancer, increased consumption of alcohol can cause higher chances of cancer in individuals. Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of various cancer such as mouth and throat, voice box, colon and rectum, liver, and breast in women.

Some studies have found related between daily consumption of alcohol with a higher risk of stomach and pancreatic cancer. There is also multiple evidence that suggests that individuals with regular consumption of alcohol have higher chances of prostate cancer. All alcoholic drinks have a relation with cancer including red and white wine, beer, and liquor.

Guidelines for alcohol use

Dietary guidelines for Americans recommend that adult can select whether they want to drink alcohol or not. But we suggest few subpopulations not use alcohol for  their life and betterment

  • If you are below the legal age
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women
  • Individuals with health problems that can worsen with alcohol consumption
  • If you want to drive and do any activity that involves higher attention then avoid the consumption of alcohol
  • Don’t consume more alcohol if you are consuming any medication or prescription.

How alcohol can raise cancer risk?

When you consume alcohol, it metabolizes and transforms alcohol into a chemical substance known as acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde can damage your DNA and can also prevent the DNA-repairing mechanism. When the DNA of the cell gets damaged, it increases the chances of higher growth than normal. Which can increase and produce a tumor.

  • Obesity

Being overweight can increase the risk of getting cancer. It can surprise many of you that being overweight can increase the risk of getting thirty different types of cancer. These alone can contribute to almost 40% of all cases of cancer reported in the United States of America. Obesity can be defined individually with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of more than 30. Being overweight is responsible for cancer such as the breast, colon, uterus, etc.

How obesity causes cancer

Being overweight can increase the risk of cancer by factors like increased long-lasting inflammation and elevated normal levels of insulin as well as hormones like insulin and sex hormones. Furthermore, the chances of cancer can be reduced with simple lifestyle changes. Increased physical activity can produce many potential benefits in the body but it requires dedication and constant determination towards the goal.

How many individuals have obesity-linked cancer

Many individuals in the States have obesity and in a recent survey, it was founded that almost 43% of adults and 20% of children suffer from obesity somewhat. Adults with overweight have a higher risk of diseases like hypertension, diabetes, and cancer. More than 90% of new cancer cases are related to obesity in men and women with age 50+.

Other reasons that can contribute to cancer are Family health history, HPV, and Tabacco.

Data on individuals suffering from cancer in the USA

In 2019, 1,752,735 new cases of cancer were reported and almost 600,000 individual lost their life due to cancer. For every 100,000 individuals, 440 new cases of cancer were reported with 150 deaths. For further information related to stats of cancer, you can visit CDC and USCS websites with full information related to cancer.


Cancer is a disease, which can occur to anyone to almost all body parts. In this article, we tried our best to explain to you guys about cancer but it is impossible to explain all about cancer therefore for further information related to products visit websites like CDC.